Microflex 6061

The Microflex 6061 is the most compact solution of Figueras’ Flex Collection. The seat occupies only 24 cm when in the folded position, allowing full use to be made of the space, offering high standards of comfort and minimalist aesthetics

This beam-mounted folding seat has a folding system that consists of the seat rotating and the backrest moving forward, until both are flat against one another.

The width of the folded seat and backrest assembly is 24 cm. The seat has a fully compact appearance when folded, leaving the seat parts and backrest completely aligned in all their facets.

Seat and backrest are synchronized to tip up automatically in a single motion. When the seat is vacated, both elements return to their initial position. The seat includes a Controlled Soft Rise Technology system which guarantees the most silent folding, without noises or banging.

The seat and backrest consists of a cold-moulded polyurethane foam that completely covers an internal metal structure. This structure comprises a curved tubular frame and a mesh of flat springs.

The polyurethane seat and backrest foam blocks are covered with easily removable zipped covers.

The seat and backrest are supported and joined by metal side supports with an upholstered finish that act as the armrests. The sides are joined to a rectangular steel tube structure.


The Microflex 6061 is the most compact solution of Figueras’ Flex Collection. The seat occupies only 24 cm when in the folded position, allowing full use to be made of the space, offering high standards of comfort and minimalist aesthetics

This beam-mounted folding seat has a folding system that consists of the seat rotating and the backrest moving forward, until both are flat against one another.

The width of the folded seat and backrest assembly is 24 cm. The seat has a fully compact appearance when folded, leaving the seat parts and backrest completely aligned in all their facets.

Seat and backrest are synchronized to tip up automatically in a single motion. When the seat is vacated, both elements return to their initial position. The seat includes a Controlled Soft Rise Technology system which guarantees the most silent folding, without noises or banging.

The seat and backrest consists of a cold-moulded polyurethane foam that completely covers an internal metal structure. This structure comprises a curved tubular frame and a mesh of flat springs.

The polyurethane seat and backrest foam blocks are covered with easily removable zipped covers.

The seat and backrest are supported and joined by metal side supports with an upholstered finish that act as the armrests. The sides are joined to a rectangular steel tube structure.


No results found.

  • Bar

  • Tip up

  • Upholstered backrest

  • Upholstered sides

  • Acoustic perforations

  • Arms

  • Cleaning system

  • Cupholder

  • F1000

  • F48

  • Headrest

  • Illuminated row

  • Lamp

  • Lighted numbering

  • Plugs

  • Row numbering

  • Seat numbering

  • Stitching (depending on upholstery)

  • Upholstered armrest

  • Upholstered backrest

  • Upholstered seat

  • USB

  • Voting system

  • Wooden backrest

  • Wooden seat

  • Wooden sides




Field 2









Main Line Plus



Remix 3

Revive 1






Technical data and Dimensions

  • Minimum distance between axes:  53cm.
  • Structures available in modules of 2, 3 or 4 seats.
  • Curved rows are possible.
  • Optionally, a fire barrier can be incorporated between the upholstery and the PUR foam.
  • Fire standards: complies with international regulations.



Configure a seat


with the Microflex 6061

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JV Foix Library

Barcelona, SPAIN
Cheng Shifa Art Gallery

Cheng Shifa Art Gallery

Shangai, CHINA
Disseny Hub Barcelona

Disseny Hub Barcelona

Barcelona, SPAIN
[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]

Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre

Kuwait City, KUWAIT
Hall 74 – Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Hall 74 – Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Córdoba

Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Córdoba

Córdoba, SPAIN
Centre Pompidou

Centre Pompidou

Málaga, SPAIN
Templo de Salomão

Templo de Salomão

São Paulo, BRAZIL
Cité de la Mode et du Design

Cité de la Mode et du Design



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