Retractable seating system

The Retractable Seating System offers high stability and is designed to international standards. This tiered seating system features an efficient folding and unfolding mechanism. It is well-suited for demanding public seating areas including theatres, schools, universities, arenas, and multipurpose spaces, providing a practical solution for versatile seating needs.

The opening and closing movements of the tier platforms is automatic by a remote push-button controller. Once the Retractable Seating System is opened, the seat rows will be folding / unfolding row by row. This raised process can be automatic, semiautomatic or manual.

With a wide choice of seat options, ultimate flexibility and low maintenance, this system provides a lifetime of safety, reliability and return on investment.

Our retractable seating system may be equipped with all types of seats; the most frequent ones are the MiniSpace 5067, MiniSpace 5071, MiniSpace 5064 and MicroFlex 6061, models which are compact and therefore easy to store.

The Retractable Seating System offers high stability and is designed to international standards. This tiered seating system features an efficient folding and unfolding mechanism. It is well-suited for demanding public seating areas including theatres, schools, universities, arenas, and multipurpose spaces, providing a practical solution for versatile seating needs.

The opening and closing movements of the tier platforms is automatic by a remote push-button controller. Once the Retractable Seating System is opened, the seat rows will be folding / unfolding row by row. This raised process can be automatic, semiautomatic or manual.

With a wide choice of seat options, ultimate flexibility and low maintenance, this system provides a lifetime of safety, reliability and return on investment.

Our retractable seating system may be equipped with all types of seats; the most frequent ones are the MiniSpace 5067, MiniSpace 5071, MiniSpace 5064 and MicroFlex 6061, models which are compact and therefore easy to store.



Robert Brillas Cultural Centre

Robert Brillas Cultural Centre

Esplugues de Llobregat, SPAIN
Consulat Général de France

Consulat Général de France

Métal 57

Métal 57

Boulogne-Billancourt, FRANCE
Teatros Canal

Teatros Canal

Madrid, SPAIN
Teatro de El Sauzal

Teatro de El Sauzal

El Sauzal, SPAIN
Tanglewood Learning Institute

Tanglewood Learning Institute

[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]

Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Centre

Kuwait City, KUWAIT
Palacio de Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid, WiZink Center

Palacio de Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid, WiZink Center

Madrid, SPAIN
Muxikebarri – Centro de Arte, Cultura y Congresos

Muxikebarri – Centro de Arte, Cultura y Congresos

Getxo, SPAIN
Macedonian Philharmonics

Macedonian Philharmonics

L’Atlàntida – Sala Joaquim Maideu

L’Atlàntida – Sala Joaquim Maideu

Centro de Espectáculos de Explanada Puebla – GICSA

Centro de Espectáculos de Explanada Puebla – GICSA

Puebla, MEXICO
LoL Park – Riot Games

LoL Park – Riot Games

Seoul, KOREA
Andermatt Konzerthalle

Andermatt Konzerthalle

Hall 74 – Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Hall 74 – Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Bridgend College

Bridgend College

Philharmonie de Paris

Philharmonie de Paris